Trowi - The Classroom of Tomorrow
The Trowi portal for online education is the first web portal that is capable of systemizing knowledge in an organized multimedia format, selling the finished videos to consumers, and allowing customers to view the videos purchased.
Trowi unites everything necessary to accomplish its goal, and that is the commercialization of knowledge.
The main features of Trowi are:
-course breakdown
-course search
-ability to update courses
-information about registered students
-course traffic statistics (for registered students and visitors)
-list of orders and payment tracking and collection
-sale and collection of payments from consumers
Course breakdown
Course breakdown includes:
-designation of general features (language, category, title, shorter description, longer description, search tags, price, currency, maximum course duration, number of computers on which students can take the course, course prerequisites, and main page photo).
-designation of course based on its characteristics (order of appearance, title, shorter description, length in seconds, video, and method of viewing the video).
-designation of supplementary material, which students may download to their computer (including order of appearance, description, title, name of file, and the file itself).
-designation of links, which allow you to direct your student to material that may be beneficial for his/her knowledge, but which is not included inside your course.
Course Search
When potential students search for a course, they enter keywords that reflect what they are looking for. It is important to list all possible words or phrases that potential students might use as they search for your course. You can enter these “search tags” or keywords when creating a course so that your product comes up as a result in a high number of search queries by potential students.
Ability to update your courses
Considering that in the modern world almost no static teachings have permanent value, that is, they are constantly expanding through new discoveries, we have enabled you to easily edit, update, and improve your courses. You can simply erase or exchange individual lessons in your course.
Information about students
At all times, you are able to see how many and which students are registered for your course. Besides this basic information, you can also access student contact info if you must contact them. In addition, you are able to download the list of registered students as a Microsoft Excel or Word file.
Course traffic statistics
This feature is implemented for two reasons:
-it enables you to make quality decisions regarding marketing
-it gives you insight into how the current number of course registrations compare to a different time period
List of orders and payment tracking and collection
-under the “My Trowi” section of the website, you are able to see who registered and paid for your courses, along with other information about the student.
Sale and collection of payments from consumers
The sale of a course can be accomplished in two ways
-via (mandatory for individual persons)
-via your company
If you choose to make the sale through Trowi, all the cash from the transaction will be processed to the account for Domino Grupa, and will then be paid out once a month, minus fees, to your individual or your business’s bank account.
If you choose to make the sale through your company, it is necessary to make a prior agreement with Domino Grupa regarding fees. This option is essentially mandatory for companies that do not operate with a goods and services tax system because Domino Grupa must operate with a goods and services tax system and must pay this tax. Under the circumstance that your company sells a course, this sales option via your company allows you to avoid transaction intervention from the side of Domino Grupa.
Portal objedinjuje sve što je potrebno kako bi se njegova glavna svrha, a to je komercijalizacija znanja, ostvarila.
Glavne značajke portala su:
- Definiranje poduke
- Mogućnost naknadne izmjene poduke
- Evidencija o polaznicima
- Statistika posjeta poduci (polaznika i posjetitelja)
- Popis narudžbi i evidencija plaćanja
- Prodaja i naplata poduke od posjetitelja portala
- Pretraživanje poduka
Definiranje poduke
Definiranje poduke uključuje:
- definiranje općih atributa (jezik, kategorija, naziv, kratki opis, širi opis, fraze za pretraživanje, cijenu, valutu, maksimalno trajanje poduke, broj računala na kojima polaznik može pratiti poduku, uvjete pohađanja, kao i fotografiju naslovne stranice)
- definiranje lekcija sa njezinim atributima (redni broj pojavljivanja, naziv, kraći opis, trajanje u sekundama, video i način prikaza videa)
- definiranje popisa dodatnih materijala koje polaznik može preuzeti na svoje računalo sa pripadajućim podacima (redoslijed pojavljivanja, opis, naziv datoteke radnog materijala te sama datoteka).
- definiranje linkova tj. poveznica koje polaznika navode na bitne materijale koji mogu obogatiti njegovo znanje, a nisu sadržani u Vašoj poduci.
Mogućnost naknadne izmjene poduke
S obzirom da u današnje vrijeme skoro niti jedna poduka nema trajni karakter, tj. stalno se proširuje novim saznanjima, osigurali smo jednostavan sistem za izmjenu poduke.
Tako naprimjer, jednostavno možete pojedine lekcije ili dodatne materijale obrisati ili ih izmijeniti.
Evidencija o polaznicima
U svakom trenutku, moguće je vidjeti, koliko i koji polaznici su pristupili Vašoj poduci.
Osim osnovnih podataka, dostupni su Vam i kontakt podaci u slučaju da morate nekoga od njih kontaktirati.
Listu polaznika je moguće preuzeti i kao MS Excel ili MS Word datoteku.
Statistika posjeta poduci
Ova značajka je napravljena iz dva razloga:
- kako biste mogli donijeti kvalitetnu odluku o vršenju promidžbe vaših poduka i
- uvid u prodaju poduke u odnosu na neki drugi vremenski period
Popis narudžbi i evidencija plaćanja
U 'Moj Trowi' odjeljku portala, možete vidjeti tko je naručio i tko je platio poduku sa svim podacima o polazniku.
Prodaja i naplata poduke od posjetitelja portala
Prodaja poduka se može vršiti na dva načina:
- putem Trowi portala (ovo je obavezno za fizičke osobe) ili
- putem Vaše tvrtke
U slučaju da izaberete prodaju putem Trowi portala, tada sav novac od uplate poduke sjeda na žiro račun Domino grupe, a isplaćuje se jednom mjesečno po obračunu, umanjen za proviziju.
Ako pak izaberete prodaju putem Vaše tvrtke, potrebno je prethodno sklopiti ugovor sa Domino grupom u kojemu se regulira pitanje naplate provizije.
Ova mogućnost je praktično nezaobilazna za tvrtke koje nisu u sustavu PDV-a jer Domino grupa jest u sustavu PDV-a i mora naplatiti PDV, a u slučaju da Vaša tvrtka proda poduku, izbjegava se posredovanje od strane Domino grupe.
Pretraživanje poduka
Kada potencijalni polaznik traži poduku, on upisuje određene riječi koji odražavaju njegovu percepciju poduke.
Bitno je proniknuti sve moguće riječi (ili fraze) kojima bi se potencijalni polaznik mogao služiti te ove riječi (ili fraze) upisati prilikom definiranja poduke, kako biste omogućili da se poveznica na vašu poduku prikaže što većem proju potencijalnih polaznika.